A downloadable game for Windows


Made in 48 hours for the Kennesaw State University 2018 Fall Game Jam by a team of 5 people. Original name we went with was "Alone In The Dark", without realizing that would share the name with an all time classic none of us knew about lol.


After a terrible night, waking up turns out to be much much worse. You are in some sort of cave, you think? You don't recognize anything around you that you can see, and that's next to nothing except a cold stone floor. Lots of horrible noises and footsteps, and nobody around but you, alone, in the dark.


Project BlindEye is a first-person-shooter survival-horror hybrid with a unique twist: The only way you can hear is through the sounds around you. Waking up in an unfamiliar cave with no light, you must find your way around in the dark with light as your guide on what's around you. Throwing rocks will distract enemies that only can hear, while your gun is for dealing with monsters that are a real problem. Conserving ammo, distracting and avoiding the right enemies while choosing which monsters to take out is the key to your survival.


The AWSD keys move your character around, hold the shift key while moving to make your character walk, the E key is how your character interacts with the environment, the R key will reload your gun, and the 1 key puts away your current equipment whereas the 2 and 3 keys pull out your rocks or gun respectively. You use the mouse to look left and right on a locked axis, and left click to throw a rock or fire your gun.


BlindEye.zip 22 bytes

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